Community Basketball Coach, Helen Williamson, Speaks on Tall Poppy Culture and the E Tū Tāngata Kaupapa

Tall Poppy CultureVideoIndividual 3-5 mins
  • EN


Coaches, Managers, Whānau


Tall Poppy Culture can have serious implications on the success, enjoyment, and longevity of people in sports. Listen to Helen share her thoughts on why it is important to build this kaupapa into your team.

We walk away knowing

A team is stronger if everyone can work to their strengths.

Listen to Helen share how Tall Poppy Culture has impacted her teams, and where E Tū Tāngata can fit into that.


Reflect as a team around where you're sitting currently in all three areas of You Have Value, We Succeed Together, and Others Matter.

  • Where have you seen Tall Poppy Syndrome present itself in your setting?
  • How can you build on everyones strengths as a team?
  • How do you support team mates that succeed in regional and national levels?
  • How can you be better at valuing people?