What is Crab Mentality? And how does it Relate to Tall Poppy Syndrome?

Tall Poppy CultureVideoIndividual 1-2 mins
  • EN


Individuals and Groups


To identify that Tall Poppy Syndrome holds us all back.

We walk away knowing

It's important that we stand together so that we can all 'get out of the bucket'.


  • Can you think of a time when someone has pulled you back down into the bucket? How did it make you feel?
  • Have you ever had a dream, but not shared it with those close to you in case they mocked you or trampled your ambitions?
  • Can you think of a time when you have pulled someone back down into the bucket? How do you think this might have impacted them?
  • E Tū Tāngata means 'Stand Together'. Can you think of one way you can choose to 'stand together'?