Create Your Own E Tū Tāngata Posters

You Have ValueDownloadIndividual 11-15 mins
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  • TR


Primary 1-4, Primary 5-8, ECE, Secondary, Whānau


Put the E Tū Tāngata messages on display around your home, school or workplace, and make it personal with your own photos.

We walk away knowing

You Have Value. We Succeed Together. Others Matter.

Personalise it!

These easy-to-use PNG files will layer over your own photos, so you can make your favourite faces and places feature in E Tū Tāngata posters to hang around your school, workplace or home.

If you are a pro, you can use Photoshop or another program to create these images, if you don't have access to a fancy program, you can simply use Word or Google Docs. This can even be something students do, as it is a cool activity to learn some digital skills.

Instructions for using these PNG images to make your own posters in Word and Google Docs

In Microsoft Word:

  1. Insert the picture you want to use for the background of your poster
  2. Insert the PNG file you want to lay over the top
  3. Select the PNG file and in ‘format picture’ click on ‘in front of text’; then you should be able to drag it on to the top of the first image.

In Google docs:

  1. Insert the image you want to use for the background of your poster
  2. Insert the PNG file you want to lay over the top
  3. Select the PNG files and options will appear below, select ‘in front of text’ and then you’ll be able to drag the PNG file up over the first image.