Dame Sue Bagshaw on the Importance of Nurturing Self-Belief

You Have ValueVideoIndividual 3-5 mins
  • EN


Whānau, Educators


To understand how nurturing young people's self-worth and belief in their own abilities will help them face the future.

We walk away knowing

Everyone needs to be nurtured and supported.


  • Did you have people in your life that nurtured you in your belief in yourself and your abilities?
  • Have you observed young people who have been given very little nurturing in their self-belief? What did you observe?
  • Have you observed young people who have been given a good grounding in self-belief? What did you observe?
  • What do you think are the most important ideas about themselves that young people need to grasp? What do you think is the best way to do this?
  • Dame Sue mentions people having an "inner peace" when they are securely grounded in who they are. What do you think she means by this?
  • What would be the results of having an "inner peace" in the knowledge of your own worth?