E Tū Tāngata Tangram
We Succeed TogetherDownloadGroup 6-10 mins
- EN
Primary 1-4, Primary 5-8, Secondary, Whanau
Practice the strand 'We Succeed Together'
We walk away knowing
How to work together as a team
Recreate the E Tū Tāngata logo as a great group. Students to work together in small groups to put the pieces of the E Tu Tangata logo in order.
Talk about their experience in working together to complete the project.
Example questions:
- How did you find working in a team?
- Was it fun or difficult? What made it that way?
- Did your team listen to everyone or did someone take the lead?
- How could you work more effectively as a team?
There is a template on page 2 to help arrange the pieces if needed.