Empower Me and You

We Succeed TogetherIdeaGroup 6-10 mins
  • EN


Primary 5-8, Secondary


To learn about the importance of encouraging others and practise encouraging and being encouraged.

We walk away knowing

I can share a dream and be encouraged. I can encourage others when they share dreams.


  1. Students mingle around the room while some music plays.
  2. When the music stops, they find the closest person to them and ask them one of these questions, and the other person responds by lifting them up and encouraging them to pursue their dream. You may need to scaffold this and give examples of how to encourage others positively.
  • What do you want to do for a job when you are an adult?
  • What is something new you would like to try this year?
  • What is a big goal you have for the next term?
  • What is a dream you would like to accomplish before you are 25?
  • What is something you would like to achieve before you finish school?


  • What did it feel like for others to empower you in your hopes and dreams for the future?
  • What can we learn from this?
  • How can you apply what we have learnt outside of this activity?