Gooses Printing: An E Tū Tāngata Impact Story

You Have ValueVideoIndividual 3-5 mins
  • EN


Leadership, Individuals, Managers


Knowing your worth and value, and then being able to share that with others is a game changer.

We walk away knowing

You are valuable!

Gooses Apparel Printing

Our words have big influence on our work places, classrooms, team environments etc. We have positions of influence and can use these to encourage others. We can choose to be encouraging when it comes to the language we use and they way we speak about and to people.


  • Do you believe that yourself and those around you are valuable?
  • How do you speak to and about others?
  • How can you show those around you that they have value through your words?
  • How can you show those around you that they have value through your actions?