Highlight My Strengths

You Have ValuePrintablesGroup 16-30 mins
  • EN


Primary 5-8, Secondary


To start a conversation about how different people have different strengths.

We walk away knowing

All of us have strengths that come naturally to us, and some things that are harder for us.

What are your strengths?

Exploring your strengths can be a great way of understanding your value. We all have different things that come naturally to us, and other traits that we have to work harder to develop. Leaning into our strengths can help us feel our value and contribute in the best way.

Both the VIA Youth Strengths assessment and Clifton StrengthsExplorer are valuable tools to help young people explore their strengths.

This short and easy activity is a starter if you would like to think about strengths without using a formal online tool.

To use this activity, simply print the tables and have students highlight the things that they think come naturally to them, that they don't have to work hard to be.

You could also have them ask their friends and families to highlight on their behalf as well, to get a different perspective.

There are also some gaps that can be filled with ideas that aren't on the list.

Ask students to give examples of the way that the strengths they have identified have played out in their lives.

This activity will give students encouragement in their strengths as others call out their greatness and highlight what they think they are good at.

  • Please note this particular strengths activity is just a different way of opening a conversation about strengths with students, if you would like to explore this further, please use the VIA or Clifton Strengths programmes which are robustly researched.