Professional Netball Player, Jane Watson: The Importance of Knowing You Have Value

You Have ValueVideoIndividual 1-2 mins
  • EN


Players and Athletes, Secondary, Management and Leadership


Jane Watson shares her advice on the importance of the first strand of E Tū Tāngata: You Have Value.

We walk away knowing

We need to know our values and we need to be valued.

Hear how Jane Watson balances knowing her value while being a professional athlete in a culture that idolises success.


  • Do you know that you have value?
  • What does it mean to "be your own person, not just a netball player."?
  • Do you sense your value beyond what you do?
  • What do you think Jane means when she says "You need your values and you need to be valued."?

Want to see more of Jane? Check out her other videos! Search - "Jane"