Professional Netball Player, Sulu Fitzpatrick: Having Confidence in Yourself

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Coaches & Players


Sulu has seen the effects of Tall Poppy Syndrome, and believes we need to embrace ourselves and have confidence in who we are.

We walk away knowing

Having confidence in who you are gives those around you freedom to do the same.

Sulu Fitzpatrick: Having Confidence in Yourself


  • What are you good at?
  • What are you confident in?
  • What do you need encouragement for?
  • Who can you encourage to be confident in something they are good at?

Want to hear more from Sulu? Check out her other videos here:

Others Matter Conversation Facilitated by Professional Netball Player, Sulu Fitzpatrick

'Why is E Tū Tāngata Important?' a Conversation with Professional Netball Player, Sulu Fitzpatrick