Introducing the One and Only...

Others MatterPrintablesGroup 31-60 mins
  • EN


Primary 5-8, Secondary


To reinforce the idea that all of us are unique individuals with value by sharing fun things about each other with the class.

We walk away knowing

I am the one and only me. The people around me are also unique and valuable individuals.

I am thrilled to introduce...

This activity is a fun and simple oral language activity. You could use this at the start of the year as your class gets to know one another, or you could put students in a pair with someone that they don't usually work with. This might be a fun confidence-building activity before speeches or other oral language assessments.

Students interview one another to get the answers to the questions and then fill in the prepared script with the answers given to them by their partner. Once they are ready, they can introduce each other to the class by reading their script aloud.

There is an example script included with the instructions, which you can read aloud to the class to give them the idea. Try to model the showman's voice and attitude as you read it! You may wish to prep the class on how they should respond to each introduction: with cheers and applause!

This activity links well to this self portrait activity: The One and Only Self-Portrait Activity!

You can find a fun digital self-portrait activity here: The One and Only Selfie Activity!