Joe Schmidt: Where Does Your Value Come From?

You Have ValueVideoIndividual 1-2 mins
  • EN


Coaches and Athletes, Secondary, Tertiary


To understand the impact to encouraging one another.

We walk away knowing

I can encourage my coaches, teachers and those in charge, and this encouragement makes a difference to them.


  • Joe shares about what it was like to lose five games and hear the criticism from the media. What do you think it would have been like to be in this position?
  • Some of the players recognised the value in what Joe was trying to do with them and encouraged him to keep going. What difference did this make?
  • Are there people in your life that you could encourage?

Hear more from Joe:

Joe Schmidt: Where Does Your Value Come From?

Joe Schmidt on the Power of Acknowledgement

Joe Schmidt Discusses Turangawaewae

Joe Schmidt Shares What Reminds Him that He has Value

Rugby Coach, Joe Schmidt on Succeeding Together as a Team

Joe Schmidt talks about his Experience of Tall Poppy Culture

Joe Schmidt Discusses Tall Poppy Culture in New Zealand