Lego Model Activity

We Succeed TogetherIdeaGroup 11-15 mins
  • EN


Primary 1-4, Primary 5-8


To know and understand when we look outside ourselves we see that we are apart of something greater.

We walk away knowing

That we all have something to contribute.


  • A Lego set with instructions


  1. Divide Lego pieces between class members.
  2. Show them the completed design on the Lego box.
  3. Instruct one student to read out the instructions and as they do so each member of the class can contribute their Lego piece to completing the model.


  • What did you notice happened in this activity?
  • Is each piece of Lego valuable? Why? Each piece is valuable because it contributes to completing the model. All the parts are important and have a different role. Highlight that this is like our class, our school, our community; every individual is valuable because they can contribute to each of these groups. Everyone is important and has a different role to play. We succeed together.
  • What learning can we take from this?
  • How can we apply this learning to our lives? How does it help us to E Tū Tāngata?