Milly Hoete's Story of Tūmānako (Hope)

You Have ValueVideoIndividual 3-5 mins
  • EN


Secondary, Tertiary, Whānau


To understand how people can go through times where it feels like there is no hope, but it is possible to get to the other side.

We walk away knowing

There is always hope.

There is always hope...

Listen as Millie Hoete speaks about her story of being hopeless, and how she overcame this.

Trigger warning: In this video Millie speaks about suffering abuse and self-harming. Take care when using this video with students and younger people.


  • What stood out to you in this story?
  • Millie says that "We are all loved by somebody." Do you think this is true?
  • Have you had moments when you thought "Life sucks", and what did you do to get through that time?
  • What would you say to a friend who was feeling how Millie felt?
  • Do you know how to get help for yourself or for a friend if they are feeling this down?
  • Millie concludes by saying "There is always hope". Do you agree? How can you remember this when things are tough?