Paul Ifill, Professional Footballer and Coach discusses 'We Succeed Together'

We Succeed TogetherVideoIndividual 1-2 mins
  • EN


Coaches, Managers, Players


Listen to Paul share his ideas surrounding this strand to gain insight and ideas on what succeeding together could look like in your setting.

We walk away knowing

Everyone adds value. Every player has a role in the success of the team.

Watch this video and discuss ways you could work together as a team to help each other succeed this season.

Kōrero for Sports Teams

How can you work together as a team to help each other succeed this season? Here are some ideas to help start discussion

  • What strengths do you bring to the team?
  • How can you help someone else succeed?
  • What does success look like for you individually?
  • What does success look like for you as a team?

Kōrero for Groups

  • Have you experienced working together in a way that everyone's strengths were used? What was that like?
  • What would it take to put aside competition and work together so everyone can get better?