Professional Actor & Performer, Matu Ngaropo discusses 'You Have Value'

You Have ValueVideoGroup 6-10 mins
  • TR
  • EN


Primary 1-4, Primary 5-8, Secondary, Tertiary, Whānau


To understand the first strand of E Tū Tāngata, You Have Value, and the impact that it can have.

We walk away knowing

Knowing your own value and worth helps you to acknowledge the worth in others.

Professional Actor & Performer, Matu Ngaropo discusses 'You Have Value'


  • How does knowing your own value impact the way you see and relate to others?
  • Do you feel comfortable sharing when you feel proud of yourself?
  • How can you start to remember your value in your day to day life?
  • How can you encourage others to see their own value?

Start the conversation...

At the end of the video, lead your group through the following actions:

  1. Brainstorm/Matapaki - what does it look like to know you have value?
  2. Share/Toha - discuss your ideas with the group.
  3. Choose/Kōwhiri - decide on an action point.