Professional Netball Coach, Noeline Taurua: Our Best Successes Happen When We Work Together

We Succeed TogetherVideoIndividual 3-5 mins
  • EN


Coaches, Management, Education


To start the 'We Succeed Together' conversation with your club, team or group.

We walk away knowing

Our best successes happen when we work together.


  • Dame Noeline says that it's often losses that teach us the most. Can you think of examples of that being true for you?
  • She says the best successes have happened when "we really gel as a team". Have you found this to be true?
  • Dame Noeline identifies persistence, drive and trust as important values that help people succeed. How can you foster these values as a team or group?
  • Who are the people in the background helping your group succeed?
  • How can your team or group work better together?

Want to hear more from Dame Noeline? Check out her other videos - search "Noeline"