Professional Touch Player, Ben Anderson, discusses the second strand: We Succeed Together

We Succeed TogetherVideoIndividual 3-5 mins
  • EN


Coaches and Players, Secondary, Primary 5-8


Understand how having an attitude of succeeding together can help your team.

We walk away knowing

Every player on a team is important.

The second strand of E Tū Tāngata: We Succeed Together, is about redefining success and what that looks like for each player and each team. Watch this video, and discuss how every individual in your squad is needed for the success of the whole team.

Professional Touch Player, Ben Anderson, discusses the second strand: We Succeed Together


  • What different skills does everyone bring to the team? (or to the group)
  • How can you help someone else in the team (or group) to succeed?
  • Was does success mean to you?

See more from Ben here: Professional Touch Player, Ben Anderson, discusses the struggles of Tall Poppy Syndrome