Te Kōmanawa Rowley School presents: 'We Succeed Together'

We Succeed TogetherVideoIndividual 6-10 mins
  • EN


Primary 1-4, Primary 5-8


To hear from tamariki what they believe it means to succeed together.

We walk away knowing

Sometimes you just can't do things on your own! You need others.

What does it mean to succeed together?

We asked some of the wonderful tamariki from Te Kōmanawa Rowley Ave school to share what they think it means to succeed together and why succeeding together is important to them!


  • What does it mean to succeed together?
  • What is good about working together?
  • What is your favourite thing about working with others?
  • What’s some good things about having lots of kids in your class?
  • When your class is working well together, what happens?

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