Professional Netball Coach, Marianne Delaney-Hoshek: Recognising Achievements in Sports

We Succeed TogetherVideoIndividual 1-2 mins
  • EN


Coaches, Managers, and Players


Listen to Marianne talk about how to know your identity outside of sport, and recognise achievements even when you didn't win.

We walk away knowing

Achievement is not always winning.

Marianne Delaney-Hoshek shares her thoughts on achievements in sport and outside of sport.


  • As an individual, how can you make sure you have a life outside your sport, or outside your occupation?
  • As a coach, where and how can you recognise achievements that often go unnoticed?
  • As a player, how can you honour the achievements and hard work of your team mates?
  • As a team, how can you celebrate your successes even when you lose the game?
  • As a team, how can you celebrate your opponents, whether you win or lose?