Your Identity - Bridge Activity for Players and Athletes
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You might be an amazing player or athlete, however, that does not make you any more or less valuable.
We hope through watching these interviews you'll be both challenged and encouraged to adopt an E Tū Tāngata mindset.
You might be an amazing player or athlete, however, that does not make you any more or less valuable.
NZ Paralympian, William Stedman walks tamariki through the first strand of E Tū Tāngata, You Have Value.
Explore ways to involve the entire coaching staff to get the most out of them.
Take a moment to acknowledge the club you are a part of and think about how you can have a positive influence on club culture.
Listen to Paralympian, Will Stedman, share his experience with knowing your value.
Paralympian, Will Stedman, shares an example of when he was encouraged by another athlete.
Paralympian, William Stedman, walks your team or group through the third strand of E Tū Tāngata: Others Matter.