NZ Men's Netball Players Share Their Experience of Tall Poppy Syndrome

Tall Poppy CultureVideoIndividual 11-15 mins
  • EN


Individuals and Groups, Secondary, Tertiary


Expose the effect Tall Poppy Culture has on us.

We walk away knowing

Tall Poppy Culture is having an effect on all of us, and needs to be overcome.

Where have you seen Tall Poppy Syndrome play out in your life?

In this video, members of the New Zealand Men's Netball Team discuss the ways that they have seen Tall Poppy Syndrome play out in their lives.


  • At the start of the video, we see Dion visibly upset, remembering an incident where he was told by his Uncle to stop sharing about his coaching, because it came across as boastful. Have you ever had feedback like this from your family or friends? Do you think it is okay to share with people about what you are succeeding at?
  • Kruze remarks that Tall Poppy culture can be rooted in jealousy. Have you ever experienced feelings of jealousy that have made you want to pull another person down? Have you ever been pulled down by someone and thought that it was jealousy that was causing that?
  • Nick remarks that people have called him a "hard out" for wearing his New Zealand representative merchandise. Have you ever thought this about people wearing representative gear?
  • Nick challenges us to give encouraging others a go and see the impact it has both on them and on ourselves, can we give this a try?

Want to hear more from the NZ Men's Netball Team? Check out there other videos:

NZ Men's Netball Team: 'You Have Value'

NZ Men's Netball Team: An E Tū Tāngata Impact Story