Others Matter Conversation with Television Host, Suzy Cato

Others MatterVideoIndividual 16-30 mins
  • EN


Primary 1-4, Primary 5-8, Whānau


For our tamariki to understand that Others Matter.

We walk away knowing

That all people matter, and we can reach out and help others.

Show others that they matter

Listen as our friend Suzy chats about what Others Matter means. She uses some great child-friendly examples to explain how each and every one of us is valuable and that we should treat one another well.


  • Do you remember the famous Māori proverb that we can use to say Others Matter?
  • Do you agree that the most important thing in the world is people?
  • Look around the room. Do you see that every one of us is different? How is that a good thing?
  • What are some ways that we can show people that they matter?

Below you will find some posters and colouring pages related to Suzy's message to help you reinforce these ideas with your tamariki.

Want to hear more from Suzy? Check out her other videos:

You Have Value Conversation with Television Host, Suzy Cato

We Succeed Together Conversation with Television Host, Suzy Cato

Suzy Cato Explains E Tū Tāngata to Parents and Kaitiaki

Suzy Cato Reads, 'Three Things to Know: An E Tū Tāngata Story'