Professional Netball Player, Karin Burger's Message for Tamariki: We All Have Value Even Though We'll Never Be Perfect

You Have ValueVideoIndividual 11-15 mins
  • EN


Primary 1-4, Primary 5-8, Secondary


To introduce the idea that your value is not based on performance or achieving perfection.

We walk away knowing

That even though none of us can ever be perfect, we are still valuable.

Are you trying to be perfect?

In this short video, NZ Netballer Karin Burger discusses how we can start to feel badly about ourselves when we strive to be perfect, because no matter how hard we try we will never be perfect. She then suggests how letting go of perfectionism, and instead striving to reach smaller goals can help us improve bit by bit, knowing that even if we fail, we are still valuable.

Karin also introduces the idea of running your own race, instead of comparing ourselves with others. She reminds us that we can think badly of ourselves when we are stuck comparing ourselves with others, but if we focus on doing our best, regardless of what others are doing, we can feel proud of our achievements and efforts.

You Have Value with Karin Burger


Use these questions as a starting point for chatting about the video:

  • What does Karin teach us about trying to be perfect?
  • Have you ever felt bad about yourself when you couldn't be perfect?
  • Has the worry about being perfect ever stopped you from trying to do something?
  • How does it make you feel to think- I'll never be perfect no matter how hard I try?
  • How can we remember that we are valuable even though we will never be able to be perfect?
  • What sort of things can you do to motivate yourself to keep improving even though you'll never be perfect?
  • Have you ever felt bad about yourself when comparing yourself to other people?
  • What can we do to focus on running our own race instead of comparing ourselves with others?
  • How can remembering we are valuable help us to stop comparing?

Want to hear more from Karin? Check out her other videos:

Professional Netball Player, Karin Burger: Understanding My Value

Karin Burger's Story: Knowing Your Value When Chasing Your Dreams

Professional Netball Player, Karin Burger: Knowing Your Own Value Strengthens a Collective

Professional Netball Player, Karin Burger: The Power of E Tū Tāngata

Professional Netball Player, Karin Burger: The Personal Benefits of Overcoming a Tall Poppy Mindset