What is Crab Mentality? And how does it Relate to Tall Poppy Syndrome?
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Discover what Crab Mentality is and how it relates to Tall Poppy Syndrome.
13 Resources
Are you a school leader wanting to get your staff started with E Tū Tāngata?
This collection is full of resources and ideas to get you started with running a PD session or staff meeting to inspire and equip your staff.
Watch the video below or find the transcript here: Running a Staff Meeting or PD session on E Tū Tāngata
Discover what Crab Mentality is and how it relates to Tall Poppy Syndrome.
E Tū Tāngata Applied Practice Advisor, Psychologist Gabrielle Bisseker explains the rationale behind the E Tū Tāngata mindset and the outcomes we hope to see in the long term.
How would you rate yourself out of 10? Find out what most New Zealanders answer and why.
This activity is designed for teachers to consider how E Tū Tāngata would fit into their school context.
Hear from founder, Jay Geldard, about what the heart behind E Tū Tāngata is and how it came to be.
Rolleston School staff and students share about the impact that E Tū Tāngata has had at their school.
Artist Mr G takes us through the first strand of E Tū Tāngata: You Have Value.
Professional Netball Coach, Noeline Taurua walks your team or group through the second strand of E Tū Tāngata: We Succeed Together.
Paralympian, William Stedman, walks your team or group through the third strand of E Tū Tāngata: Others Matter.
This activity is designed for teachers to discuss how they can communicate the three strands of E Tū Tāngata with their ākonga.
Former All Black Coach, Steve Hansen talks about the first principal of E Tū Tāngata: You Have Value.
Dame Noeline Taurua discusses how being strong in your identity can help you know your value and purpose, win or lose.
A short activity for staff to do in teams to articulate where they are ready to take a lead and where they are ready to support.